
I am not a health expert, but I am health experienced. Growing up, I was the kid that was always sick. Earaches, sinus infections, sore throats were ever present in my childhood. It wasn't until I was in my twenties (and had health insurance for the first time) that I got serious about finding out what was wrong. Turned out I had a severely deviated septum, lots of environmental allergies with a handful of food ones too. Without surgical intervention and immunotherapy, I would never really know what it was like to feel better. 

Which brings me to today, I'm few years past my surgery, a couple years into immunotherapy, and there is something new to learn everyday on the road to breathing easier. Dear allergies is my personal health journal. My severe allergies forced me to look at my overall health and lifestyle choices. This blog is a documentation of what I've learned and how I choose to manage my health, with the goal of encouraging others to take charge of their own health management.

Read more about my allergy journey here and here.