Thursday, February 07, 2013


After four weeks of allergy testing it, the recommendation was immunotherapy. A treatment that was completely new to me. Even though it involved needles and being shot up with my own allergens, I was intrigued.

Immunotherapy is designed to build up your immunity by receiving injections of a serum especially designed with your own allergens. It’s potentially a three year long process, starting with receiving two injections a week, then one a week, next one every other week, every three weeks, and finally once a month. You are shifted through each phase over the course of the first year. All the while the dose is gradually increased with each shot.

The first year was great for me. I felt amazing. However as the shot dosages increased and their frequency decreased my allergies went haywire and I was back to where I started. With 2012 being the worst year for allergens ever and no respite expected in 2013, it was time to rethink how I was getting my shots.

For the last few months, I have gone back to receiving a shot once every other week at a much lower dose. This plan has helped immensely and I am finally feeling the benefits of the shots again. The biggest lesson I’ve learned over the last couple years of immunotherapy is that you have to listen to your body. It’s okay to deviate from the original plan if it means relief.

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