I am the worst at remembering to medication of any kind. Vitamins? Forget it. I have lost count of the number of times I have forgotten to take a vitamin even when it was sitting on the table right in front of me.
A big part of getting over my recent sinus infection has been making sure I take Mucinex and Sudafed consistently. The former only lasts four hours and the later six hours per dose. Now, I am aware that could save myself the headache of remembering to take the medications by using Mucinex D every twelve hours, but I have found that I need more Mucinex than I do Sudafed. I have less side effects from both by take the lower dosages at a time.
Plus, I worked out a way to eliminate the headache in remembering to take these on time. My iPhone has come in handy for many tasks, but I rely on it the most to remind me to take my medications. Every time I take a medication, I change the time of the reminder to the next schedule dosage time. And like clockwork every four and six hours, I can rely on my iPhone to remind me to take what I need.
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