Monday, March 11, 2013

Just Ask

After having sinus surgery and being in the midst of immunotherapy, it's not a secret around my office that my nose does not work the way it should. It is this fact that has made me the go to girl for all questions sinus, allergies, and asthma related at work. A task I do not mind in the least.

My mother was a health educator before I was born. The lady that came to school to about sex? That was her. Talking about health has always been a big part of my life and the biggest inspiration for this blog. After writing several how to sinus rinse guides and providing numerous allergy medication referrals to co-works, I figured it was time to start sharing what I have learned with others.

So, in the interest of sharing what I know, I have set up a Formspring account for anyone to ask any allergy related questions. I have added a link to the side bar.

Got a question? Just ask.

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